


Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature

ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warsaw (Poland)


You can buy online tickets for our Events on www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl.

All you need to do is:

    1. choose the Event and tickets you are interested in,
    2. read and accept these Terms & Conditions (including info on no withdrawal right from an online ticket sale agreement (sec. X of Terms & Conditions), create an Account (Registration)/start buying without Registration/log in to your Account,
    3. verify your Order details in the summary and in the next steps – paying for it.

You will receive an e-mail from us with the Order`s processing confirmation , and after the payment is credited – tickets in a separate e-mail. Just in case – check your SPAM inbox.

You can also subscribe to our Newsletter.

More information below. See you!


    1. Online ticket sales are conducted on www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl by the Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature with its registered office in Warsaw (00-070) /Poland/, at ul. Kozia 11, entered into the Register of Cultural Institutions kept by the Warsaw City Hall under No. RIK/7/2000, NIP [TIN, Tax Identification Number]525 15 72 216, REGON [statistical No.] 015760222 (hereinafter: Museum of Caricature).
    2. You can contact us:
      by traditional mail to the following address: Museum of Caricature, ul. Kozia 11, 00-070 Warsaw (Poland),
      by phone: + 48 22 827 88 95,
      by e-mail: info@muzeumkarykatury.pl
    3. Online ticket sales are conducted in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.


Service Provider/Seller/Museum of Caricature/We - Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature with its registered office in Warsaw (00-070) /Poland/, ul. Kozia 11, entered into the Register of Cultural Institutions kept by the Warsaw City Hall  under No. RIK/7/2000, NIP 525 15 72 216, REGON 015760222;

www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl – subpage of www.muzeumkarykatury.pl dedicated for online ticket sales, run by Museum of Caricature;

User/You   a person visiting  www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl, interested in using or using the services offered within it, e.g. having an Account and using it after logging in – Consumer, Entrepreneur or Entrepreneur with consumer rights;

Consumer – an adult natural person with full legal capacity, residing in Poland, who may incur liabilities on their own behalf, making a legal transaction with Museum of Caricature which not directly connected with their business or professional activity;

Entrepreneur – business entity/company, 1) a natural person running a sole proprietorship registered in Poland (not an Entrepreneur with consumer rights), 2) a legal person or 3) an organizational unit without legal personality capable of effectively incurring liabilities, with its registered office in Poland;

Entrepreneur with consumer rights – business entity/company – a natural person running a sole proprietorship registered in Poland, concluding an agreement directly related to such person`s business or professional activity, which shows that the agreement is not of a professional nature for such person, resulting from, among others, the subject of their business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Polish Central Registration and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG);

Buyer – a User who bought a ticket via www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl. In case of natural persons, only adults with full legal capacity can be Buyers.

Terms & Conditions – these Terms & Conditions;

Order – the User's declaration of intent (including the Order without Registration) submitted after filling in an online form at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl initiating the ticket`s buying process for the Event, after verifying the Order (Cart) and clicking "Buy and pay" in the Cart Summary. After clicking the "Buy and pay" button, you are redirected to the payment page. The Order specifies: ordering party's data, selected Event, date and time, type and number of tickets, etc.;

Event – exhibitions, educational events, etc., organized by Museum of Caricature, to which Visiting Regulations apply available at www.muzeumkarykatury.pl in the VISIT section.

Agreement – an agreement concluded by the User with Museum of Caricature, including an agreement for the provision of electronic services, Sales Agreement;

Sales Agreement – a ticket sent by e-mail to the Buyer after the payment has been credited by Museum of Caricature, in accordance with these Terms & Conditions;

Price – gross ticket` s price in Polish zlotys + VAT;

Registration   the Account registration made by the User in order to buy a ticket for the Event; upon Registration, the User provides their data and accepts these Terms & Conditions.

Order without Registration – placing an Order by the User without creating an Account. The User is obliged to provide their true, correct data, read and accept these Terms & Conditions.

Account – a separate place at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl made available free of charge to a registered User, where it is possible, among others, to access the history of purchased tickets, consents granted, edit data, delete the Account; Account is available after logging in to www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl by filling in the login data, i.e. the User's e-mail address and the Password established during the Registration;

Password – a confidential string of characters selected by the User upon logging in to the Account, necessary to access the Account;

Privacy Policy – a document describing the principles of protection and processing of Users' personal data available here: Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature – Privacy Policy;

Cookies Policy – a document indicating, among others, the rules for using cookies on www.muzeumkarykatury.pl, including www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl subpage,  and their types.


  1. These Terms & Conditions apply to our online ticket sales at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl.
  2. In matters not regulated in these Terms & Conditions - the terms and conditions of the main website www.muzeumkarykatury.pl at Eryk Lipiński Museum of Caricature - Regulamin_www_MuKa, i.e. point IV 18 (provisions on Newsletter), points I. 4.-7., point III sentences 1-4, point IV on Newsletter, points VIII (Personal data) to XI (Responsibility) apply.
  3. Museum of Caricature provides these Terms and Conditions to the User free of charge before the Agreement is concluded, and at User's request, in a way that allows obtaining, reproducing and recording the content of these Terms & Conditions using the ICT system used by the User.
  4. In order for the User to buy a ticket, it is necessary for them to have:
      • a device with an active access to the Internet, which ensures data transmission, as well as an installed web browser of User`s choice (e.g. Chrome, etc. – the latest version is recommended) enabling the use of cookies and Javascript,
      • an active e-mail – if User wants to create the Account/buy a ticket without Registration/log in to their Account, subscribe to Newsletter.


  1. In order to buy a ticket for the Event, the User just has to :
    a. select the available Event and tickets,
    b. create the Account (Registration)/start buying without Registration/log in to their Account,
    c. verify details of the Order in the summary, and in the next steps - pay for it.
  2. After placing the Order, the Order`s registration confirmation is sent to the e-mail address of the ordering User indicated in the form. The e-mail contains, among others, information about the ordering party's data, information that the payment has to be made within the time limit indicated in the e-mail otherwise the Order is cancelled and the tickets re-enter into the pool of free tickets, a link to make an electronic payment.
  3. After the payment for the ordered tickets is credited, you will receive an e-mail from us with the Order confirmation and the tickets. From this moment you conclude a sales agreement with us in accordance with the data contained in the Order confirmation.


  1. Upon opening the Account, you conclude an Account maintenance agreement with us (agreement for the provision of electronic services). The agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Its termination takes place at the moment of deleting the Account.
  2. In order to create the Account, you just have to register using the registration form available at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl.
  3. The Account Password shall be confidential and not disclosed to third parties.
  4. With the Account, it is possible for you to, among others, access the history of purchased tickets, consents granted, edit data, delete the Account.
  5. When registering, you shall provide your true, correct data, read and accept these Terms & Conditions.
  6. You may terminate the Account agreement at any time, without giving a reason, e.g. by e-mail to the following address: info@muzeumkarykatury.pl by submitting the Agreement  termination notice or by deleting the Account.. After receipt of the notice /deletion of your Account,, the Account is deleted immediately, no later than within 10 days from the receipt of such notice/deletion of
    the Account, as well as all your data.


  1. You can pay for the ticket to the selected Event via an electronic payment operator (e-transfer - on-line authorization based on full encryption of the connection (SSL protocol with the possibility of using a 128-bit encryption key).
  2. If you want a VAT invoice for tickets, please select a check box "I want to receive an invoice" when placing the Order and fill in the data in the form accordingly.


The ticket price = gross price (including taxes), in Polish zlotys.


  1. If the Event does not take place for reasons attributable to us, we inform you about such situation, we will accept a return of your online ticket  purchased at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl and refund your payment.
  2. Except for the situation indicated in point 1 above – it is not possible to exchange the ticket for another one (at a different price, for another Event).


  1. We kindly inform, that in accordance with Article 38(1)(12) of the Polish Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014 the Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the distance Sales Agreement (the online ticket purchase agreement in our case)   services are related to cultural events, and the agreement specifies the day or period of service provision.
  2. The point above applies directly to the Entrepreneur with consumer rights.
  3. The Entrepreneur does not have the right to withdraw from the ticket purchase agreement.


  1. If you notice a malfunction or inoperability of online ticket purchase process at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl, please inform us immediately, e.g. by e-mail to  info@muzeumkarykatury.pl, so that we can take adequate diagnostic and corrective action as soon as possible.
  2. Complaints regarding the functioning of www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl will be considered as soon as possible, up to a maximum of 14 calendar days from the date of their receipt by Museum of Caricature, e.g. to the e-mail address: info@muzeumkarykatury.pl. We will let you know about the actions we have taken to close the complaint, using the contact method indicated by you, and if you do not indicate to us how to notify you – in the same way as the complaint has been reported.


  1. We are entitled to amend the provisions of these Terms & Conditions in order to take into account changes in legal regulations, to introduce new or discontinue the provision of existing services within www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl, to clarify issues that raise doubts of Users.
  2. In the case of continuous services (e.g. Newsletter, the Account), these Terms & Conditions may be changed for an important reason, which is considered to be: the need to take into account changes in the law, a change in the service (e.g. the scope or method of its provision), the introduction of a new service or the cessation of the provision of a given service, the need to ensure an appropriate level of privacy protection and security of using the services offered to Users, prevention of abuse,  clarification of issues that are unclear to Users.
  3. Amendments to the provisions of these Terms & Conditions shall not lead to the loss of acquired rights by the User, if they have been acquired in accordance with the law.
  4. The amendment to these Terms & Conditions shall be effective after 14 calendar days from the date of publication of information about the planned change at www.muzeumkarykatury.pl and at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl, however, we will inform the Users from whom we have obtained e-mails as part of the provision of services to them, about the planned change to these Terms & Conditions also by e-mail 14 calendar days before the amended version of these Terms & Conditions come into force. If you do not accept the changes to these Terms & Conditions, please notify us by e-mail to the following address: info@muzeumkarykatury.pl indicating whether you are terminating the agreement between us within 14 calendar days from the date of notification of the change. If yes – in view of the statement made – you should stop further use of the services at www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl to which you do not agree to the changed terms.
  5. There will be no need to amend these Terms & Conditions in the event of, among others, a change in the form and/or nature of www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl, in particular a change in the graphic design of the website, adding new functionalities, etc., as long as these changes are not contrary to the provisions of these Terms & Conditions, including the loss of rights acquired by the Users.


  1. Any disputes arising in connection with the use of services within www.bilety.muzeumkarykatury.pl or the application of these Terms & Conditions, if the parties are Entrepreneurs, will be settled amicably in the first place. If we do not reach an agreement, the dispute will be resolved by the Polish common court with jurisdiction over the seat of Museum of Caricature.
  2. The User who is a Consumer has got the possibility to use out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims, which may take place, among others by:
    a. ubmitting a request to the competent Provincial Trade Inspectorate for mediation, or applying to the permanent consumer arbitration court operating at the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection. More information on this procedure can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at https://www.uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php;
    b. obtaining free assistance from the district (municipal) Consumer Ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include the protection of consumer rights;
    c. use of the ODR online dispute resolution platform available at:  http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
  3. The provisions of these Terms & Conditions do not violate the rights of the Consumer or the Entrepreneur with consumer rights resulting from the applicable provisions of law, which apply in the first place, before the provisions of these Terms & Conditions.
  4. These Terms & Conditions are subject to the provisions of law in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code, the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights and the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services.